2022 Benefiting Non-Profit: Robert Ferguson Observatory

Located in Sugarloaf State Park, the Robert Ferguson Observatory, run by the Valley of the Moon Observatory Association, a 501(3)(c) non-profit, has been offering outreach-based astronomy and science programs to the public for almost 25 years.

Being almost all-volunteer-run, RFO offers a variety of programs throughout the year, including Striking Sparks, an annual youth telescope award, Young Astronomers, Astrophotography, Research, a free Speaker Series, and public events like Solar Observing & Star Parties, Your Universe, classes, and private events. RFO typically serves about 10,000 visitors annually.

The observatory houses a 40-inch reflector telescope, the largest telescope in Northern California that is accessible to the public; a robotic 20-inch research-grade, “CCD” telescope; and an 8”, two-meter long refractor telescope.

Proceeds from this year’s Wine Country Distillery Festival plus raffle ticket sales will go directly to RFO and their continued effort to bring ‘Astronomy to Everyone’! To learn more about the Robert Ferguson Observatory follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and visit the website at rfo.org.

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